Monday, February 11, 2013

Here are links to the Peachie in her wheels videos.  I don't know why but none are showing up on her facebook page anymore.

I got Peachie to sit next to me in my big armchair last night while I was doing homework.  That is unusual because she usually won't sit still.  I see lots of posts on the CH cats facebook page about people who put up stairs next to beds and couches for their CH cats. Then they put something soft for them to land on if they fall.  But whenever I put Peachie up on something like a bed, chair, or the couch she immediately dives for the edge.  I don't think I would ever feel comfortable trying to let her climb up on the bed or couch.  She's like a kamikaze cat.  A friend of mine at work and I came up with a new acronym for cats like Peachie. FADHDCH (feline attention deficit disorder cerebellar hypoplasia).